MuWave ABBYY / Laserfiche Connector

MuWave® ABBYY / Laserfiche Connector Data Sheet

MuWave® ABBYY Laserfiche Connector

The MuWave® ABBYY® / Laserfiche® Connector allows documents to be exported from ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 or higher to any Laserfiche 7.x or 8.x system. The FlexiCapture template names and index values may be mapped to Laserfiche templates and fields as well as being able to store into Laserfiche folders. MuWave® Laserfiche Connector for ABBYY FlexiCapture is configured in an export script in FlexiCapture and allows documents to be exported to Laserfiche with the click of a single button.


The combination of ABBYY’s OCR solutions and Laserfiche’s content management server creates a powerful solution in the world of content management rivaling substantially more expensive solutions in the market place.

ABBYY’s OCR engine is utilized to its fullest with the transfer of templates, data and fields to Laserfiche’s templates and fields. Mapping is done easily and efficiently. Documents can be named to any convention and placed anywhere in Laserfiche’s directory structure.



•   Industry leading ABBYY OCR engine
•   Industry leading content management server
•   UFC’s ABBYY to Laserfiche Connector
•   Full document and metadata transfer between systems
•   Instantaneous transfer from ABBYY to Laserfiche
•   Laserfiche or Microsoft® Windows security enabled
•   Document storage anywhere within Laserfiche’ s directory structure