MuWave Reports

MuWave® Route QSX Data Sheet


MuWave® Reports is a web-based solution which provides comprehensive capture metric reports for Quillix users. This solution is a external web page outside of the Quillix Website and utilizes XML to provide a platform for flexible report creation and display.  It includes a hierarchical security model which assigns security levels for both viewing and creating new reports. This gives maximum flexibility for the administrator to both create and control the reports. The base MuWave® Reports includes several common capture metrics reports and additional ones can be generated through a simple web based interface.  All of UFC’s MuWave® QSX modules have an insert function for MuWave® Reports to provide this functionality where they are used. With MuWave® Reports, administrators and users have access to the information they need to locate batches, documents or images anytime during the capture process.



  • Comprehensive  capture metric reports for Quillix users
  • Hierarchical security model for:
    – Viewing
    – Creation of reports
  • Includes several commonly used reports
  • Provides capability to build your own reports as needed
  • Utilizes data outputted from the MuWave® QSX modules used throughout the Quillix Capture workflows. Does not currently merge data that has been captured by the Quillix tables.
  • Provides an active server page-based interface for users and administrators.
  • Takes advantage or the built-in reporting capability in the MuWave® QSX product line


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