ABBYY FlexiCapture Video – Advanced Diagnostics with Windows

Watch our video to learn how to perform advanced diagnostics with ABBYY FlexiCapture using the Windows Performance Monitor.

Hello. Today I’d like to show you how to perform advanced diagnostics with ABBYY FlexiCapture.

Now what we’re gonna do is use Windows Out of the Box Performance Monitor. This can be found on any Windows server, even a local machine, if you’re playing around with FlexiCapture locally.

Performance Monitor is a great way for us to see the usage of different counters and different applications on our machine and we’re just gonna walk through some basics with this today.

I opened up Performance Monitor and within Performance Monitor, you can add what are called counters and what we’re gonna do is hit this little “+” icon at the top and you’ll see, the software will actually load the different counters that are available by application or by the computer itself.

In this case, we want to see what the different counters are for FlexiCapture and when I mean counters, we’re talking about different measurements we use throughout the software, whether it be core usage, how many tasks are processing, how many licenses are free, those sorts of things.

So, what I’m gonna do is simply scroll through this list and find FlexiCapture 12 and you’ll see it listed there as FlexiCapture 12. I’m gonna go ahead and add all instances. You may, in the real world, want to break this down by either the processing serving and its reporting or the specific processing station.

What I’ll do is go ahead and add all of them. You’ll see it added to the list of counters and I’m going to go ahead and click okay. Now you’ll see that the software’s going to start charting the different available counters that FlexiCapture is telling this Windows Performance Monitor about itself.

Now you can see right now, I have pretty calm system. Obviously each counter gets assigned a different color of line and you can even modify the specific counters and how they appear. You can see you can control the colors and whether or not we reporting a line graph or some sort of histogram or another different style of graphing.

But what I’m gonna do here is actually I’m gonna put some samples into my system right now and you’ll see that the software will then start showing some different activity based on core usage and tasks that are going through the software.

So I just put those into my import folder and when the software picks them up, we’ll start seeing this activity jump around. I just saw on my other screen the software just picked it up and you’re gonna start seeing some activity here as we go throughout this timer. I’ll go ahead and be quiet just for a few seconds as we see the software digest these for us.

And there you can start seeing some climbing. Of course each line means something different here and what’s being used.

I think this is a great way for us to see the usage of the system and see the spikes and the falls of different parts of the application. Of course, depending on what you’re trying to diagnose, it may make sense to get rid of a lot of these counters and focus on a few of them. Typically core usage and tasks that are being processed are common, but of course, every single one of these counters mean something pretty important throughout the software but of course, based on your specific diagnosis and what you’re trying to figure out, it may make sense to silence some of these. Of course you can hide them or disable them, or simply remove them at any time.

Use the Performance Monitor to help you perform diagnostics in the software. You can even use what are called collector sets to start collecting periods of data. So if you wanted to see a history of it, you can tell the Performance Monitor to capture history from a date and time to another date and time. It’s a great way to get some detailed reports here and see the activity on the machine that you’re working with.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to reach out to us. But once again, Performance Monitor is a great peek into the software to see, from a Windows perspective, what the software’s handling.

Have a good day. Thank you.

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