ABBYY FlexiCapture Video – Mobile Capture Introduction

Watch our video in order to learn how to capture and send documents to ABBYY FlexiCapture through their innovative mobile app for iOS and Android.

Hello. I’m going to show you how to utilize mobile capture within the ABBYY FlexiCapture platform. The first step is to open the ABBYY FlexiCapture app on your iOS or Android device. The first time we use the app, we will need to select the settings option from the menu and then click the login button. Here, we will set the server URL, company, or tenant name, username, and password. Once you’re authenticated, you will have access to FlexiCapture’s projects, batch types, and document types. You will also notice settings for image handling at the bottom.
To capture a document, we will select the camera icon and take the picture. After the picture is captured, you’ll notice image enhancement options appear below the picture. The first option is to crop. Notice how the auto-crop feature can recognize surrounding noise on the picture and cancel out unrelated background zones. You also have the ability to rotate the document, but beyond that, there are different filters we can apply to the image, such as capturing in grayscale, black and white, or color. Lastly, there is a menu, which allows you to retake the photo or simply delete it. When you’re satisfied with the image, select the Done option at the top. Once you’ve captured all the images you desire, press the send icon at the top-right. Now the documents are successfully sent to FlexiCapture, and we will review the results there next.
Now I would like to show you what the results look like in ABBYY FlexiCapture. we can get those results by going to our View, and then Working Batches option, and within the Working Batches, we will see that there’s now a batch that is labeled from our mobile device, and within that batch, I now have a document, or multiple documents if we sent multiples, and I can double-click those and of course see the results here. I have a copy of the document on the right, and on the left here, of course, are the extracted results. So, you can tell that even though I had some noise on the document, like my finger, the software did a fantastic job of extracting the results here, and that’s where the mobile capture using ABBYY is just superb. It really gives us the ability to crop and get the right image that we’re looking for easily, on the screen, with just a few different features to enhance the image if we need to. So, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. Thank you.

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