ABBYY FineReader Server Video – SharePoint Online Integration

Watch this video on how to configure ABBYY FineReader Server (formerly Recognition Server) to submit documents to SharePoint Online. The process is simple, efficient, and flexible!

Hello, in this video I am going to show you how ABBY recognition server integrates with SharePoint online. Now this is a very neat integration. It’s very quick and it obtains high quality OCR results for us. What you see on the left here is what we call an input folder, or a hot folder. This is where we’re gonna simply drag and drop folders that we want to be OCRed, and then it put, here on the right, into SharePoint online. Now the cool part that I’m going to show you, is that I’m going to be dragging and dropping what we call TIF Image files, into the hot folder. In the process of OCRing them, we will also convert them to a searchable PDF. And that document will be stored in SharePoint as a PDF, also searchable, so that we can find the content at a later time.

So all I’m going to do is copy and paste some files into the input folder. They will not stay there long. You can see now they are already gone. What the software is doing right now, is converting those two pdf files, and once again making them searchable for us. So, if we go over here and we refresh our SharePoint Online site, you can see that I now have three PDF files. In fact, if I maximize this here, you will see I have those files right here, and I can simply click on them. And if I zoom in here just a little bit, you can see that I can highlight the text. Meaning that we do have searchable content and that SharehPoint will be able to crawl and index that content for us.

So, it’s really that simple. All I did is drag and drop into a hot folder and now they are there in SharePoint. Now I wanna show you a little bit behind the scenes because I want you to understand how easy this is. This is what we call the administration council and recognition server. And what I did is, I just completed this document to workflow and you can see here, I’ll just run through the steps very quickly. On the first input, we just tell the system what are the files that we’re going to capture. Where are they located and which ones do we want to process. For this one, that you just saw, we’re just saying. “Hey, we want every file in there.” We can tell the OCR results how well we want them to be captured. Do we want high quality results, or do we want high speed, or do we want somewhere in the middle.

And also we can target the language on the software here as well. If we have barcodes and things like that, we would also process them here. We can tell the software how we want to separate the jobs, and for this one we just said, “Hey, for every file going into that hot folder, we want you to create a job, or a file in the output.” Now we can look at quality control, so for example if we wanted staff to be involved before it ended up in SharePoint, we have the ability to stop and require what we call verification in the software. And we can do that based on the criteria that you see here, whether it’s on all documents, or if it’s just based on a certain arrange there of low confidence characters.

We can also handle exception and things, just different ways in what you want to control it there. If we wanna index the document, for example I have invoice documents that we process. Maybe I wanna index them by invoice number or even invoice date or vendor. We have the ability to allow a user to do that. In this case we did not, we bypassed indexes, but we can stop the process and require an AP clerk or another clerk, just randomly processing other documents to provide the index and information. And then you can see here, we have our output. The output here simple as saying, “Look, I want a PDF document.” and if I HIT edit, you’ll see a little bit of this information showing up here for us. You can say, I want a PDF document. You can say, I wanna save this in the SharePoint library. And then we simply provide the URL of where we’re going to have the documents live.

What library, what folder and those kind of things. We also have full control over down here, of the name you [inaudible 00:03:54] of the documents. So we can even use index information that we captured, to process those for us. And it’s really that simple, this is how easy it is. Honestly, probably setting up SharePoint Online, OCR process. This simple is probably no more than a 15 minute process, and that includes installing the software. So, a very simple and easy to use interface here from a administration perspective. And the cool part is then, we have all of our searchable content, and SharePoint Online in the cloud, so it’s accessible by any staff distributively, so. And that’s ABBY recognition server, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you understand it. Such a neat and easy to use, and easy to implement product. And please contact us today to learn more.

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