ABBYY Vantage Video – Convert a Health Claim Form to an EDI 837 Format

Discover how to convert a Health Claim Form to a usable EDI 837 format in our ABBYY Vantage demo.

Hello. Today I’d like to show you our conversion to EDI, specifically format 837. Eight hundred thirty-seven is the format that we use for health claim forms. And what you see in front of us is ABBYY Vantage. So within ABBYY Vantage, we will teach the software how to classify and extract data from a health insurance claim form such as a CMS-1500, maybe a UB-04 or a dental form. Those would be the most common ones that we see here in our OCR industry. And our goal is to take that data that we’ve extracted and produce a standard EDI 837 format.

And as part of that process, what we’ll do is we will create what’s called a document skill in ABBYY Vantage. And we offer one here kind of out of the box where kind of a starter skill. You can get extraction up and running very quickly here within ABBYY Vantage by just lassoing fields and teaching the software where these data points exist on a health insurance claim form.

Once we do that, we’ll create what’s called a process skill where we’ll teach the software about how we’re gonna get documents in, how we’re gonna get documents out and if or when we want a human in the loop to review the extraction before we export that data. But the important part of today’s demo that you’ll see is that we’re going to drop a document in to our skill, we’re gonna extract the EDI format and then we’re gonna send that to our output.

So I’m gonna just gonna go ahead and drop our CMS-1500 sample form. I’ll show that to you here. It’s just obviously a very standard in this case, we got a fillable PDF and we understand that’s not always the case here in real life, but here we have a standard EDI fillable form. So we’re gonna go ahead and publish that here to our try any skill page. Now our software is processing that form and what we’ll expect on the output is an EDI 837 format.

Alright, our results are ready. So I’m gonna open up our EDI format file that we just received as an output to this document and bring that over here to our screen. And what you’ll see is what you would very much expect here. We have our output file, it’s an EDI 837 format, and it has the specific format that we’re expecting so that we can pass this data and the extracted information downstream to our backend processes and or systems that are expecting this EDI format.

[Music- “Engineered to Perfection” performed by Peter Nickalls, used under license from Shutterstock.

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