MuWave Email Gateway QSX

A Quillix server extension that monitors an email account and captures all of the message content into Quillix indexes.

MuWave® Email Gateway QSX Data Sheet

MuWave® E-Mail Gateway is a Quillix server extension that monitors an email account and captures all of the message content into Quillix indexes. The information captured includes the subject, message body, and all email attachments. Once the user submits the email it is sent to the Quillix™ system for processing. Image attachments are automatically extracted and individual pages are separated. Rules and notifications can be configured throughout the entire email capture process.

MuWave® Email Gateway QSX supports IMAP, SMTP and MAPI – and therefore most mail server configurations. UFC’s MuWave® Script is also included with the product, allowing for complex operations to be performed on the email prior to submission into the Quillix system.

All of the information from each email is captured including the sender information, the subject, and the body of the email, used for indexing by Quillix. Messages containing HTML can automatically be converted into multi-part HTML format so that all of the embedded images can be maintained. All of this information can be utilized for indexing the batch or document.

Messages can be accepted or rejected based on rules defined by the administrator and each accepted or rejected message can be acknowledged with an automatic email reply. Rules can be based on sender address, whether or not an attachment exists, or if the attachment does not meet the preset requirements.


• Supports validation of email messages including attachments
• Assigns incoming emails to Quillix users, based on email address or manual configuration
• Supports moving processed messages to a folder (IMAP only)
• PDF conversion option converts PDF attachments to TIFF or JPG
• Automatically determines Quillix batch profile and document type via Quillix indexes or
• Advanced Visual Basic scripting through the integrated MuWave® Script engine
• Automatic reply option to provide an acknowledgement of email processing
• Automatic conversion of HTML messages into MHT format – preserving attached images
• Flexible configuration allowing administrators to define rules based upon email addresses and attachments


The new add-in for Outlook® provides an easy way to add file attachments to Quillix. Users simply click the button on their Outlook toolbar and then browse for the file attachments. Next they are able to provide indexing information for each of the attachments before sending the email off to the designated Quillix mailbox for processing. This extension provides the ability to upload multiple different file attachments such as images and pdf documents all within the same email.

Forwarding Function: Users are also able to select a group of emails in their inbox and then hit the Email Gateway button on the Outlook ribbon. This automatically adds all of the attachments contained in the selected messages and allows for providing index information for each attachment.

MuWave® Email Gateway Add-In

*Microsoft and Outlook are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved. The PDF to TIF function uses Adobe PDF Library owned by Adobe Systems, Inc. and DLT owned by Datalogics, Inc.