Nexus System’s Experience with User Friendly Consulting

Nexus Systems, LLC is the leading provider of web-based applications that drive business process efficiencies and business process accountability, focusing on the accounts payable realm. Its flagship product, NexusPayables, automates the traditionally paper intensive accounts payable purchase-to-payment process and is recognized as the best-in-class paperless solution. The NexusPayables application enjoys continued success as a result of its mature and robust functionality, intuitive interface, flexibility, compatibility with other systems, and overall ease of use.

Nexus Services delivers comprehensive outsourced invoice scanning and indexing services for Nexus Systems’ accounts payable (AP) automation software, NexusPayables. Nexus Services is an SSAE 16 Type II certified operation powered by state-of-the-art scanning technology to provide the most accurate indexing and imaging offered on the market today. ABBYY FlexiCapture is used in this bureau to help stream our complex workflow of processing documents in an efficient manner. With ABBYY FlexiCapture, our document transferring process flows automatically from receiving the invoice, indexing the invoice, and uploading it into our client’s NexusPayables site. Nexus Systems, LLC has successfully utilized the flexibility of ABBYY FlexiCapture to fit our custom business needs; therefore taking full advantage of ABBYY’s breadth of implementation options. The custom logic includes calling DLLs built by Nexus’ IT development staff to perform database selections, document separation, auditing, and committal to our back-end system.

As Nexus Systems, LLC grows, our production needs increase. We have worked with User Friendly Consulting®, Inc. (UFC, Inc.) to help us further implement custom logic into our ABBYY systems. UFC’s professionalism and eagerness to help us with solutions and their in-depth knowledge make them an excellent resource for Nexus!

Find out more about how User Friendly Consulting®, Inc. can help you with your ABBYY project.

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